I am really excited to announce Keystone Eldercare Solutions’ new website! Click HERE to go right through to the site OR watch the video below and I will give you a quick tour of the new site. If you have any comments, feedback OR find errors, please connect with me – my team… Read more…
Many people I connect with ask why I became a Gerontologist. The answer is easy: my grandmother and the influence she had on my life. Meet Me – Wendy – at nine years; a beanpole with eternally frizzy hair. I’m visiting my Nana J’s house, located just around the corner from my family home, in… Read more…
In many countries, such as Africa, Japan and Greece, elders or seniors are revered, respected and responsible to pass on wisdom and life experiences with younger generations. In more Westernized cultures, we are often bombarded with anti-aging solutions to fight the decline of beauty and strength. Consequently, we tend to view aging as a skeleton… Read more…
“What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humour, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.” ~Rudolph Giuliani I’ve just finished baking cookies. As I pull out the ooey-gooey tray of sinful delights, I can’t help but think of my grandmother and a… Read more…
Before I became a geriatric case manager and gerontologist, I can honestly say I didn’t understand the value of good personal organization and record keeping. I remember waiting impatiently as my Nana would meticulously keep her financial records in perfect balance. Looking over her bifocals she would sternly advise me to always have all my… Read more…
Caregiver Consultations: How We Help Frail Elderly Parents
Long Distance Caregiving
– Mike G., Nanaimo, BC
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